来源: Cppdbim 海南省BIM中心
Bridge of Aspiration在考文特花园的花街上方蜿蜒曲折,为皇家芭蕾舞学校的舞者提供直接连接至被一级保护的皇家歌剧院。 该设计解决了一系列复杂的上下文问题,并且既可以作为其连接的建筑物的完全集成组件,也可以作为独立的建筑元素。
倾斜的对准和着陆点的不同水平决定了交叉的形式,其在几何上和结构上是简单的。 铝质脊梁支撑着一个23个方形门户的带六角形间隔的六角形手风琴。 这些按顺序旋转以对齐歪斜,沿着桥的长度整体执行四分之一圈。 结果是在街道上方的优雅干预,唤起舞蹈的流动性和优雅。
采用Revit architecture 2019建模 +enscape简单渲染
Twisting high above Floral Street in Covent Garden, the Bridge of Aspiration provides the dancers of the Royal Ballet School with a direct link to the Grade 1 listed Royal Opera House. The design addresses a series of complex contextual issues, and is legible both as a fully integrated component of the buildings it links, and as an independent architectural element.
The skewed alignment and different levels of the landing points dictate the form of the crossing, which is geometrically and structurally simple. A concertina of 23 square portals with glazed intervals are supported from an aluminium spine beam. These rotate in sequence for the skew in alignment, performing a quarter-turn overall along the length of the bridge. The result is an elegant intervention high above the street, which evokes the fluidity and grace of dance.
Revit architecture 2019 + Simple render on enscape
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BIM深化设计在某装饰工程中的应用1项目概况 扬州金鹰新城市中心项目位于扬州市江都区,东至龙川南路,北至文昌东路,西至广州路,南临328国道,为江广融合核心区域。项目总面积约72.69万平方米,其中1号地块商业一期(1#楼)装饰工程西半部分由我司承建,该1#楼为一栋多层商业综合体,地上共四层,为商业,建筑面积15.3万平方米,建筑高度23.95米,合同工期为180天。
经验值 +10
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