第一步 | Step 1
Design, Engineering, and Approval. Like all building processes, before construction can begin on the perfect modular building, it needs to be designed. This is an important step in the process and worth taking your time on, so you don’t forget the small details that will give you the perfect final build. In addition to design, engineering is also a step that requires a lot of thought. It is necessary to take into consideration building regulations that may affect the outcome of your building’s design. The final part of this step is approval, which can take time if the design needs modifications before being considered further. However, with the many environmental benefits of modular construction, this type of building technique is encouraged by planners.
第二步 | Step 2
异地建房。在与建筑师完成设计后,施工图被送到工厂,在那里建造大部分建筑。传统建筑和模块化建筑的区别在于,模块化建设的 60 %到 90 %是在受控的生产环境中异地施工的。从墙壁到机械系统到固定装置和内部饰面(如油漆和地毯),一切都可以在装配线上完成。这是一个快速而高效的过程,材料和构建的质量得到高度维护。
Building off-site. After the design is finalized with an architect, the construction plans are sent to a factory where most of the building is constructed. The difference between conventional and modular buildings is that 60% to 90% of the construction of a modular building is constructed off-site in a controlled production environment. Everything from walls to mechanical systems to fixtures and interior finishes like paint and carpet can be completed on the assembly line off-site. This is a quick and efficient process where the quality of the materials and build are highly maintained.
第三步 | Step 3
场地准备。模块化施工的最大好处之一是场地准备和建筑施工可以同时开始。这不是一个选项,你得到与传统的施工方法,其中的网站必须主要准备施工之前,甚至可以开始。采用模块化结构,在工厂建造模块时,可同时完成基础铺设和公用设施连接准备等现场工作。这大大减少了完成模块化建筑所需的时间。事实上,模块化建筑往往比用传统方法建造的建筑快 50 %。
Preparation of the site. One of the greatest benefits of modular construction is that the site preparation and building construction can begin at the same time. This is not an option that you get with conventional construction methods, where the site must be mostly prepared before construction can even begin. With modular construction, while modules are being built in the factory, site-work such as laying the foundation and prepping utility connections can be completed in tandem. This significantly reduces the amount of time needed to complete construction of the modular building. In fact, modular buildings are often completed up to 50% faster than buildings constructed with conventional methods.
第四步 | Step 4
Transport modules. Modules are transported to the site once they have reached a certain stage in the construction process. This transportation usually occurs on the back of a low-loader. The modules are created with the transportation and installation process in mind to make it as efficient as possible.
第五步 | Step 5
Step 5: Installation and completion. Once the modules are on-site they are then craned into their positions on the foundation and fastened together. The final stage in construction includes the completion of exterior systems such as cladding and roofing components. The interior is also finished to high specifications, including areas such as lobbies, stairwells, and elevator shafts. Due to the high standards of construction, installation and completion, occupants of the building will not be able to tell how the structure was built.
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细说三一装配式建筑系统解决方案——SPCS 发展之路三一筑工成立于 2016年,以“把建筑工业化”为使命,“把建筑当产品、把施工当制造”。聚焦混凝土建筑主体结构,开发装配式建筑系统解决方案-SPCS,为智能建造提供关键技术和系统解决方案。 SPCS由“设计、制造、施工三大硬智能和筑享云平台”构成,拥有“5231”硬科技(5类装备、2类标准、3类软件、1个项目协同管理云平台),具有“空腔搭接加后浇、等效异构好快省”的整体优势。大道至简的“空腔墙柱+凹凸整板+模定节点+搭接后浇”结构技术体系实现“墙柱梁板全预制+地上地下全装配”,直击建筑结构安全、漏水、外墙保温、劳工不足、效率低、造价高等痛点,大幅减少钢筋模板脚手架现场作业,契合建筑节能和高质量发展,且政策得分高,造价趋向低于铝模现浇,具有绝对竞争优势。
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