The stress-strain matrix of material 1 is not positive definite, which
is required for real materials. Being positive definite means that
1.0 - NUXY**2*EX/EY - NUYZ**2*EY/EZ - NUXZ**2*EX/EZ -
2.0*NUXY*NUYZ*NUXZ*EX/EZ must be positive, but is equal to -5.8046.
Consider reducing the Poisson's ratios.
EX = 1.22E+10 EY = 1.22E+09 EZ = 610000000
NUXY = 0.2 NUYZ = 0.43 NUXZ = 0.47
GXY = 915000000 GYZ = 219000000 GXZ = 732000000.
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只看楼主 我来说两句回复 举报