万国城3 和 4号楼项目技术方案设计报告
HVAC 暖通空调 绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源
Provisional Design Phase方案设计阶段
 分析边界条件和气象条件建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
Analysis of situation and climate
 计算采暖和制冷功率F9l F
Computation of power need for heating / cooling建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
Computation of air supply need
Proposal for supply principle
Definitive Design Phase 初步设计阶段
 采暖和制冷基础设计节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
Basic design of heating/colding
Basic design of air preparation.
Principal lay out of heat/cold distribution
 新风送配工作原理图 绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源
Principal lay out of air distribution绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源
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只看楼主 我来说两句6.2.1 计算说明
The peak power values have been computed based on the design values for Beijing:
Winter: -12 degree; Summer 33.2 degree.冬季-12度,夏季33.2度
For the summer peak values for radiation the following values have been taken: South: 700 W/m2 // West/East: 800 W/m2, North 250 W/m2. They are for sure on the save side (see optimization).
夏季的辐射最大功率分别取:南向700 W/m2,东向或西向800 W/m2,北向250 W/m2,
For the power and energy for the air supply, a heat recovery with an efficiency of 70% for heating and 50% for cooling has been adopted, while only 2/3 of the return air pass the heat recovery, 1/3 (kitchen return air) is exhausted directly
For the computation of energy, the Climate-Surface-Software from ETHZ has been used. It is based on year sets of hourly real weather values and it completely respects the dynamic behavior of rooms. It has been tested successfully against several precisely measured buildings in operation with less than 3% deviation from the measured values. An air leakage of n=0.3 h-1 has been taken into account.节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
To derive the expression for the energy need for the air preparation, heating- and cooling degree days have been determined with real weather data of a year, based on 20 degree heating limit and 26 degree cooling limit. They have been corrected for the deviation of the standard heating degree days from the design value for Beijing. With this heating- and cooling degree days and an air related loss factor the energy consumption for heat and cold preparation was determined. A working number of 3 for the heat pump in heating and 2 for the heat pump in cooling was assumed.
No interests and depreciations for the equipment have been taken into account.节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源没有考虑设备的增值和折旧
6.2.2 运行费用估算结果
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3.3.2 Apartments 公寓
• 住宅的公用走道、门厅、电梯间应设分体式空调器(一拖多机),以减少公用场合的空气含湿量(相对湿度),防止每户户门内的项部出现局部结露的可能性(尤其是阴雨天),并提高公用部分的舒适度)。节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑源
• 每栋楼的新风系统,应配用全热式空气换热器(热回收),不宜用显热式。建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源8n
• 每户如果用分户计量(冷、热)方式,宜用远传计费式计量表(因集合器及计量表都在户内,查表进户不方便),远传终端可设在物业管理部门或每栋楼的管理室
3.3.3 Shops 商店
For the shops, the density of the internal sources: people, lighting, exhibits etc. can’t easily be forecasted. For this reason, a basic supply analog to the apartments and additional power points will be installed wherefrom additional cold can be taken. They can be used for recycling air units or for cooled ceilings: heat islands. 节能,建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
4 Heating and Cooling Principle 采暖和制冷设计原理绿色建筑、节能建筑、生态建筑、可持续建筑、建筑能耗、建筑能源-
Since the supply temperatures for heating and for cooling are kept moderate due to the low power densities needed, it makes sense to use a heat pump for heating as well as for cooling.
天棚水系统原理设计图如 图 4.1所示。
5 . Air Preparation Principle 新风制备原理
Heat and cold are produced by the same heat pump as it works for the TABS. The air can be humidified and dried according to the need. It is distributed in 3 circles: 2 from the top one from the basement to keep the dimensions of the main channels low.建筑节能,绿色建筑,节能建筑,生态建筑,可持续建筑,建筑能耗,建筑能源
新风机如图 5.1所示,管道送配示意图如图5.2和图5.3所示。
6. Prices of Available Resources能源价格与运行费用
6.1 能源价格
• 热电暖产出投资仅为外网及换热站,不包括电厂,运行费按 16元/GJ,燃煤按从电厂购热价计算;
• 电费按0.39元/(KWh)计算; 低谷电费按0.20元/(KWh)计算;
• 燃气按价格1.4元/m3,TopEnergy建筑节能&绿色建筑论坛
• 低谷电费按0.20元/(KWh)计算;
• 燃气按价格1.4元/m3, 热值36MJ/m3计算;
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